Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keeping up with the Jones...

This post is for Amber. As one of my faithful blog followers, and BFF, I felt she needed a entry just for her. Admittedly, I have alterior motives for writing this post. The only other blog Amber reads is authored by her sister in law who is wildly witty and very entertaining. I am openly threatened by this as I like to fancy myself both witty and funny. I know... I know! I shouldn't care. I shouldn't care that Amber laughs heartily in her cubicle as she reads Bryttin's blog and then shares it with everyone as being hilarious. I shouldn't care that she doesn't laugh when she reads my blog, but instead just smiles and says, "Well that was well written." When she says such things, I feel like someone has taken a large red marker and written all over my blog horrible comments like "great idea" and "you're getting there." I am transported to my high school writing days when no one recognized or appreciated my genius. I am hurt...just a little.

So, now I feel like I have to write a blog post that rivals Bryttin's. One that will make Amber laugh outloud and call people to her cube to read. I am handicapped by the fact I do not have an adorable toddler walking around saying charming things. I don't have crazy neighbors who perform crazy acts in their backyards. I have no anectdotes about plumbers or electricians or roofers coming to my house to deliver their tradesman antics. I have no husband to unknowingly provide me with winning blogging material, while he innocently eats his pork chop. I have no pearls or orange cream colored pumps. I have no idea how to make Lime Sublime Suprise. I am convinced that the absence of these things is why Amber does not laugh at my blog. I am caught up in the game of keeping up the Joneses and suddenly have nothing clever or witty to say.

1 comment:

  1. But you DO know how to paint pictures with words, evoke an emotion, and write thought-provoking blog posts. Which should matter more than Lime Sublime Surprise...
