Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A thankful heart...

I believe it is a rare gift to live a good and happy life. I also believe that living such a life is largely a matter of choice. That being said, I must also say that I have been extremely blessed; there is no measure of the bounty that has come out of the windows of heaven. I have had trials and heartaches. I have been lost and sad. I have been lonely. I have also felt the sun on my face painting on warm cinnamon freckles. I have felt the cool dark of freshly turned soil, the quiet joy of laying on the grass on a summer afternoon beneath tree filtered light, the deep blue of my feet in the water, the soothing sound of the moving sea. I have had the love a good family and good friends. I have been given talents abundant. These gifts have filled my days with beauty, contentment and peace. I have been given the chance to think, learn, feel, imagine, dream, and grow. It has been a good life, not in the absence of sorrows, but maybe because of them. I am grateful.

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