Thursday, January 28, 2010

All the things I haven't said...

I have been absent from the blogging world for awhile. There are a thousand excuses, some of them are acutally pretty good, but none are good enough. Mostly it comes down to time and how I just don't have enough. I know I get the full, square twenty-four like everyone else on the planet, but lately it isn't enough. By lately, I mean the last year and a half. Graduate school does that and I willingly pay that price in order to be educated. Still, I feel a bit absent from my life because I am so busy in the process of living it. Many things that make me whole and make my life beautiful have been left to the dust. All they get, for now, is a little nod on the blog. So here is my list of things on the wayside. Dear friends, I promise to take you up again soon.

Reading--novels and poetry and words from God. I miss you!
Writing--blogs and other such nonsense that document a life and make it mean something.
Knitting--my apologies to the half knit scarves, slippers, and sweaters.
Family--thanks for the support. I feel loved, even in my absence.
Friends--I don't see you enough. I miss you all!
Sleep--you and I will be good bedmates again soon.
Luce--otherwise known as my guitar, music is in the wings.

In 12 weeks, I will be done and I will have the luxury of being fully present in may life again. I have no regrets about the time I have spent in school. (Truthfully, I am already planning the next education experience). I am so blessed to be able to read, and write, and think, and study; to be moving towards a career I know I will love. I am grateful. I am also looking forward to quiet evenings with nothing to do and time to spend with all the things and people I love. All is a good life!


  1. Oh, how I understand. I seem to recall many a stress/exhaustion/overwhelmed/time-consumed-beyond-reason break down session whilst student teaching.

    Love and happy vibes are being focused in your direction as we speak!

    Oh, and I love an education myself.
