Friday, February 26, 2010

The Friday Five...

I am starting a new blog tradition...the Friday five...where I will document five things I fancy, love, loathe, can't live without, etc. (I stole this idea from Bryttin, but I am fairly certain she will understand). Now on to today's edition...

Five Firsts

1. My first doll was a Raggedy Anne that I called Rag-a-nan. I still have her. She is stained and well loved. Her yarn hair is torn and her clothing has been reduced to bloomers. She is still beautiful.

2. I got my ears pierced for the first time when I was eight. I had little silver star studs. I was brave and tried not cry.

3. My first car was a 1979 Chevette I named "Gil the Gutless Wonder." His energy span was 5 miles, he was wonderful tan color, and lived for nine months. RIP, Gil.

4. Charlotte's Web by E.B. White was the first book I called my favorite. I read it numberless times and still like to read it when I am lonely for childhood.

5. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was the first "grown up" book I read as a child. Consequently, it is still one of my favorites. I read it every year and I secretly want to buy random copies of it for no other reason than to have a whole shelf full of Jane. It was the first time I realized that words were powerful rather than just entertaining.

P.S. I want to name my daughter Charlotte.

1 comment:

  1. Jane Eyre will always hold a special place in my heart. I found a tattered, old copy on the bookshelf the summer between 8th and 9th grades. Because nobody could take me to the library that week, I read it instead. I was amazed that it made sense to me. I was enthralled by Mr. Rochester and Bertha and the coldness of the girl's school.

    I say that is the summer I graduated from the Babysitter's Club and Jack Weyland. That is the summer I became an English major.
