Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pessimisms aside...

I realize my post yesterday was a little on the down and outs. Actually, I have noticed it as an unintended theme through several posts. Anyone reading my blog would think I am unhappy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am happier now than I have ever been. Honestly, I am. I am also the busiest, stressiest, and stretchediest I've ever been, but that does not diminish my quiet sense of contentment. So today, my post is to celebrate my great life. I embrace it all...busy schedules and mountains of school work aside. :)

My list of reasons I am happy today:

It is Tuesday, which randomly happens to be my favorite day of the week. No particular reason, I am just fond of Tuesdays.

My chai was perfectly brewed this morning by the curly haired latte boy. (I must be honest and say I have a little bit of a crush on him). Have you heard the song by Kristen Chenoweth about Taylor the Latte Boy? It is hilarious. Look it up on youtube. I also randomly have a thing for curly haired boys.

I get to work next to best friend, which is usually really awesome even though she constantly talks about how skinny she is and sometimes says things that are not funny. (She also has a bum leg, but we don't really talk about that...)

I am in graduate school, which has been a goal for me since I was a little girl. Soon I will make everyone call me Master just because I can.

As a result of graduate school I am moving towards a career that I have wanted for a long time. Teaching is my calling, which reeks of religious overtones, but is true none the less. Only others who feel they have been "called" to teach would understand. It is almost other worldly, which is why we accept our fates despite large class sizes and low annual pay rates. I can't wait!!!

I have the gift of words, the gift of music, the gift of creativity. These gifts make my life rich and beautiful. I am grateful.

I have a mass of wonderful friends who are truly talented and inspiring.

I have very long eyelashes.

I have really nice hair that usually behaves when I care to pay attention to it.

I live in a state of sparse beauty. Today the sun is shining and it is blissfully warm.

I can read in pictures.

My toenails are painted with A Ruby for Rudolph nail polish, which actually looks like I am wearing a ruby slipper on each toe. That in and of itself is a reason to be happy.

Is that enough for today? The list could go on, but I should really be getting on to other things. I am grateful for today, for friends, for life. With all its hills and drudgery, it is still a beautiful world. Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I never brag that I am skinny....some of us may be a little bit sensitive and read more into it than what was actually said....and... I AM FUNNY!!! I do however have a bum leg....and I don't want to talk about it. But as your BFF-I am happy that you are happy.
