Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Knitting socks...

Given my hectic schedule, I have very little time to knit. It is a sad reality for me as I love knitting. It is sanity in an increasingly insane world. It is balm and beauty, isolated industry, calmness and quiet. Next to reading, it is the most pleasant way to spend an afternoon. I miss it.

In my knitting history, I have a plethera of projects; an abundance of scarves and hats and blankets and wraps and a single sweater. I also have several lone socks whose match was never knit, never even started. It is sad really...pairs of one sock who remain unmatched. I am told it is a common ailment among knitters. They even have a name for it: "One Sock Syndrome" or if you like abbreviations, then "OSS." Sometimes it is known as "One Mitten Syndrome" or "One Slipper Syndrome." No one knows the cause, but I think it has something to do with finishing something only to knit the exact same thing again. It seems a bit redundant. Perhaps my OSS is the residual effect of writing, where repetition is frowned upon. I just can't bring myself to repeat knit.

In light of this problem, as well as the hole in my kitting history, I have committed to make a pair of socks...a whole pair...both socks. In order to be successful, I choose a tube sock pattern so their would no horrible heal gusset, and a lovely buttercup yellow yarn, that looks just like spring. The first sock was started last night and is moving along well. The second sock should be on the needles shortly.

I am sure their is a life lesson in this story somewhere. Maybe it is as simple as this...sometimes in life we have to do repeats. Real life is full redundancies and maybe making a pair of socks...a whole pair...shows the gumption required to make a goal, pick a pattern, add something beautiful, and work until it gets done. That in itself is balm and beauty, isolated industry, and a perfect way to spend a life.
*Image borrowed from Google.

1 comment:

  1. Oh please teach me. I just bought a sock boo pattern, and some wonderful yarn and sock needles. When can we knit???
